Happy February!
Coming to soon to Arno…
Jan 30
No events
Jan 31
No events
Feb 1
District PD (early dismissal 11:40)
Feb 2
PBIS pizza lunch 11:00 for Jan Super Cougars
PTA Meeting 6:30
Feb 3
No events
Feb 4 (Saturday)
Arno Fun Fair 11-2
From the PTA
It is hard to believe that January is almost over and our next PTA Meetings is upon us! Mark your calendars…Thursday, February 2nd at 6:30 pm in the Arno Cafeteria, is where all the excitement will be!
As always, free childcare will be provided, so Come on out and join us!
The Arno Olympics has just passed, so that means that Spirit Week is just around the corner the week of February 6th! If you haven’t purchased Spirit Wear yet, the PTA does have limited spirtwear in stock, so contact us today via Facebook or email to be prepared for all the fun that comes with SPIRIT WEEK!!
Our District Founders Day celebration will be held on, Wednesday, February 22nd at Crystal Park Banquet Center. Tickets will be available next week in the office.
With the arrival of February, it also means that April is not far off and the election of new PTA Officers. If you like what’s been happening around here or want to get involved in the planning of our events and changes, why not consider running for a board position? Please contact us if your interested, have questions, or suggestions for next years team.
As always…we appreciate all the support! We hope everyone has a wonderful, fun-filled weekend!
Parent Surveys
It’s that time of year already in our school improvement planning where we need to send out surveys to our Arno stakeholders. You will have the opportunity to take a brief survey from the State of Michigan rating some of your experiences here at Arno. The survey will be available Jan 27 to Feb. 10. We will be providing the link to it via email blast on that day, as well as posting it in the blog below. If you are unable to access via computer, we will also have a computer set up in the office if you wish to take it there. Giving us good feedback helps us plan better to meet the needs of every Cougar stakeholder. In addition, students and staff also take a similar survey during the school day.
All of the feedback you provide is then summarized and becomes part of our school improvement plan for the 2017-18 school year. Thank you very much, please click on the link to start the survey:
Arno Fun Fair
Arno’s annual Family Fun Fair is coming up soon! This exciting event will take place on Saturday, February 4th from 11 am-2pm. A note came home soon with more information and a chance to pre-order tickets (they will also be available at the door). There will be games, raffles, prizes, food, a cake walk and more! This is a great family event so be sure to put it on your calendar today! You can download and print the form below if you have not yet received it.
Arno Blood Drive
Please see the flyer below if you are interested in participating in our annual blood drive
Early Dismissal
Feb 1 is an early dismissal half-day. Dismissal is at 11:40 for teacher PD.
Arno Olympics
What a great time Arno students has Thursday evening competing in our annual Arno Olympics. There were many smiling faces while everyone enjoyed some golf, hockey, basketball, and even a clothes pin drop! Special thanks to Ms. Ammonette for organizing this wonderful event and to Mrs. Kalis and staff who participated in helping make this a great night!
Art Program Creations
We are so fortunate here in Allen Park Schools to have such wonderful, creative art teachers! We thank Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Trapani for being a big part of what’s great about our district! Enjoy some of their student work below:
Kindergartners practicing cutting and painting with their castles
Special Art project gift for all of AP Board members for Board Recognition Month
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Winter conferences are coming up quick on February 15 and 16 from 5:00-7:30 each night. This conference is slightly different in that not every family generally attends, but is still open as an option for all who would like a conference with the teacher. Some fast facts:
1. If your classroom teacher is requesting a conference with you, you will receive a notice by Feb. 3.
2. If you did not receive a notice from the teacher, you may still request a conference with the teacher OR decide that you don’t feel a conference is necessary at this time.
3. All classroom links will come from the teacher and be live on the Feb. 3 blog release to sign up for a time on signupgenius for those who need to attend conferences.
4. Report Cards go home on Feb. 3
**Once again, please do not sign up for a slot on signupgenius if a conference is not needed at this point.
4th grade Gets Historical
Our fourth graders have been very busy on their project creation for class. Their assignment was to focus on an important historical figure of their choice, do research, and create either a puppet or poster board based on that figure. Enjoy some of the results below:
U of M Visit to 4th grade
The university of Michigan paid a visit to our 4th grade this week teaching them with hands on examples of weathering and erosion. Their experiences included setting up a city to withstand a flood on a stream table
Our staff will certainly ensure that all students are feeling comfortable and prepared before the M-STEP online assessment begins this spring. However, if your student would benefit from additional practice or opportunities to see what the test will look and feel like, please feel free to visit the Michigan Department of Education’s website for the M-STEP assessment. On this site, you can find practice that your child can do at home if you’d like! We work hard to create an environment that is comfortable for our students to show their best work on the test without feeling stressed or worried. Thank you for anything you may do at home to promote this growth mindset with your student.
Parents of nine- and ten-year old students:
The University of Michigan req
Please consider being part of this important study with your child. Participants will be paid for their time, up to $400 per year. If you are interested, go to Arno School ABCD to submit a response card.
For additional information, visit the study website (www.abcdstudy.org ), email abcdmichigan@umich.edu, call toll-free 844-864-ABCD or go to Arno School ABCD. You may also find the following letter and brochure links helpful.
abcd-parent-letter abcd-parent-brochure abcd-st
Here is a link to a short informational video (1.5 mins) about the study.
***This study is not affiliated with Allen Park Public Schools or Arno Elementary