Nov 20

Happy Thanksgiving Turkey Wishes Animated Gif

Coming soon to Arno…

Nov. 20

No events

Nov. 21

Half-day dismissal 11:40

Teacher PD P.M.

Nov. 22

No School

Nov. 23

Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov. 24

Shop ’till you drop

Nov. 27

No events

Nov. 28

3rd grade mobile learning

Dr. Hall 2:15 Read

Nov. 29

No events

Nov. 30

No events

Dec. 1

End of First Trimester

PBIS Reward

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Thank you

It was great to see so many families out for parent/teacher conferences.  As research has shown, a strong home-school connection is critical to a student’s academic success!  If you ever have questions or concerns, please be sure to contact your child’s teacher.

PBIS Mentors

Thank you Sandy Bennett for kicking off our building Mentorship program with our young leaders.  The kids have been so very excited to get started, and now they are off to their assignments!


New Blog out…

Please take a look at a new blog from our At-Risk Reading Speacilist D. Barb. Chuby. You can find it at


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Founders Day

Founders Day is quickly arriving! It is a celebration of all the amazing things going on within our school district. Do you know of an outstanding program, volunteer or staff member? If so we need you to nominate one! You can access applications by using thelinks below or picking up a paper copy in the magazine rack across from the Arno main office.
All nomination forms must be submitted by December 4
You cab submit your nomination by emailing us at or by turning it into the main office in a sealed envelope marked “Founders Day PTA.”
All nominations will be placed on a ballot and voted on by members present at the December 7th PTA meeting. The name of the person who has submitted the nomination will be kept confidential. However the written description on why the person or program is deserving will be read out loud. We encourage you to submit nominations so that we can reward some of our amazing program lead volunteers!
The person or event that secures the most votes per category will be notified and honored at the Allen Park PTSA Council Founders Celebration! It will be at The Crystal Palace on Wednesday, February 21, 2016 at 6:00 pm. Dinner tickets will be available in the office for purchase and all are invited to attend a wonderful adult evening and celebrate the great things happening at Arno!

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From the PTA

Happy Thanksgiving!

We would like to thank all of the parent volunteers, staff, students and families that helped to make our Scholastic Bookfair a success! We look forward to sharing all of the details at our next PTA Meeting on Thursday, December 7th at 6:30 pm in the Arno Cafeteria! Mark your Calendars and Save the Date!
Founders Day Nominations are now being accepted! Do you know an Outstanding Educator, Support Personnel, or Program? A Council Member that has gone above and beyond that deserves recognition? Maybe you know a member of our Arno Community that has dedicated their time to helping council out for years and deserves to be recognized for all their hard work? Maybe a Local business that has supported our PTA needs to be recognized for their service? Has a program at Arno really impressed you and you would like to nominate them for their hard work? If you know you would like to give someone(s), a business, or program some recognition, now is the time to do it! Nominations are being accepted until December 1st. You may pick up the forms across from the main office and next to the gymnasium doors or download them from this post or the Arno PTA Facebook page. Once you have completed your nomination(s), please hand them in to the main office in a sealed envelope marked, “Founders Day”. Voting will take place at our next PTA Meeting on December 7th.
Our SPIRIT WEAR is now on sale! It will continue through November 25th. THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE WILL GET TO ORDER THIS SCHOOL YEAR! Please DO NOT miss out! Visit the link below to place your orders!
Our next restaurant fundraiser will take place at Angelina’s again on December 4th from 11-9 pm. Order Lunch! Take your family out to Dinner! Have a few sodas or adult beverages. We receive 25% from the total! Help Support your School! Please visit the Allen Park or Southgate Locations to show your support.
Family Caring Night will take place at Skore Lanes on Wednesday, January 3rd. Please look for more information to come home via email, Memberhub, Facebook, and flyers in your students folders. All proceeds will go to support the volunteer group of TASKK. We will be putting a donation box in the office after the holidays and will be accepting donations in the form of: dog and cat food, blankets, toys (tennis balls, etc.), giftcards.
We hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving! If you plan to do any shopping or traveling, please Be Careful!

Arno PBIS team in action!

Last Thursday our Arno PBIS leadership team presented all of our programming that relates to PBIS in front of a packed auditorium at RESA.  The team included pictures, docs, and other examaples like shirts and our golden lunch tray program.  Observing the room really showed how engaged they were about all of the things our buildings does every day and month.  Congratulations to Lisa Smalley, Katie Jensen, Megan Schultz, and Sandy Bennett for an outstanding job!

Food Pantry

Dear Caring Cougar’s,

The AP high school counseling department reached out to our PTA. They informed us their food pantry supplies are running low. At APHS food pantry they provide food & necessities confidentially for families of AP students that are dealing with unforeseen circumstances, some of which have been tragic.

At our last PTA meeting members decided to support this cause in two ways. The Arno PTA received a $300 Consumers Energy Grant last year from one of our members for their volunteer service. We voted to allocate these funds to the pantry in the form of $300 worth of Kroger Gift card to assist in their inventory needs. We also decided to place a box in our main office to collect items from now through December. Students and staff can drop donations off and a PTA member will transport it to the HS pantry as our box fills up.

Suggested Items Need; cereal, cereal breakfast bars, pop tarts, canned vegetables, canned fruits, tuna, pasta and spaghetti sauce, macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles (or something similar that’s a quick fix meal) and any type of snacks. Personal hygiene products and socks.

Thank-you in advance for your partnership on this. We are excited to kick off the holiday giving season by supporting the kids in need within our district.


Your Arno PTA

Update on food Pantry:

We are humbly amazed at the amount of donations already cming in for APHS food drive. Here’s a pic of our 1st load from Arno & a pic of our districts sweet ‘lil pantry. December 18th will be the last day we are accepting donations in order to get supplies delivered to HS, sorted & distributed to those in need.

New Bus Zone

To accommodate bus arrivals at various throughout pickup/drop off, the bus lane on Thomas has been extended all the way up to the second grade set of doors.  Please do not park in the zone for any pickup/dropoff.  Thank you for helping keep our kids safe!

5th Grade Literacy in Action

Students in Mrs. Hool’s class were hard at work in Daily 5 through activities such as Working on Writing, Reading to a Partner and Listening to a book on Raz Kids

Boggle fun for Mrs. Smalleys kiddos…



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November 6


Coming soon to Arno…

Nov. 6

PTA Bookfair Kickoff

Nov. 7

No events

Nov. 8

P/T Conferences 5:00-7:30

Nov. 9

P/T Conferences 12:35-3:15


Nov. 10

PTA Bookfair End

Nov. 13

No events

Nov. 14

No events

Nov. 15

School Improvement meeting 3:45

Nov. 16

Picture Retake Day

Nov. 17

Happy Friday!

Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower

and inspire students to become collaborative learners

that strive for academic excellence


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Door Security Concerns

As we are always ensuring safety and security at Arno, it is imperative that all parents enter through the main office doors if you have any needs in school.  Parents are not allowed to enter any of the side doors at any time, including morning line up.  We ask that you please also not ask safeties to open doors as this puts them into an uncomfortable spot as well.  Thank you for help in helping us be a safe school.



Parent/Teacher conferences are just around the corner on Nov. 8th (5:00-7:30) & Nov 9th (12:45-3:15 & 5:00-7:30) .  There is a half-day that morning with dismissal at 11:40.   If you have yet signed up for a time slot, please see the links below to reserve your time.  A strong home connection is a critical part of the education process, making it very important for everyone to connect with their child’s teacher.   This year, the district moved to tri-mesters to align closer to our assessments which are given three times a year as well.  Although report cards don’t come out until early December, your child’s teacher will go over your child’s current progress and awnser any questions or concerns up to this point.

Name Teacher Classroom link


Gym Note

As the weather has now taken a turn to the cold, please remember to pack gym shoes on your child’s gym day if they are wearing boots, etc.  All students need gym shoes to be able to particpate in the special.

3rd Grade Reading Law

Thursday evening Arno hosted a parent meeting on the new 3rd grade reading law.  I have attached the ppt. from that meeting for your review.  If you have any questions please call the office.

3rd Grade Reading Law-1m9frv9


From the PTA


It’s book fair time! We hope that y’all have had an exciting October! Fun Run Prizes, Skate Parties, Super Cougar Lunches, Pizza Parties, PTA Meeting, and HALLOWEEN FUN for those of us that celebrate it!

Our Bookfair Kicks Off on Monday, November 6th with our first PREVIEW Day! Students will receive a Wish List in class the day of their Class Preview that they will fill out and bring home. Parents then have an idea as to what they would their students to purchase and can budget accordingly. For those students that do not have their PREVIEW Day on Monday, will get their chance on Tuesday, November 7th. PURCHASE Days will be WednesdayFriday. The Bookfair will be open from 9-Noon1-3pm, and 5-7:30 on Wednesday and Thursday and from 9-11 to purchase books on Friday.

If you would like to volunteer, please see the link below! Remember in order to sign up, you must be a member in “Good Standing” as per our By Laws.

Recently, the Allen Park High School Counseling Department recently reached out to our PTSA Council President, Bernadette Burgus informing her that their food pantry supplies are running low and they help. This pantry provides food and other necessities for families who are struggling to provide these basic necessities to their families. These families are dealing with unforeseen circumstances, some of which have been very tragic.

The Arno PTA Members voted tonight to help support the Food Pantry in the following ways:

*** The Arno PTA received a $300 Consumers Energy Grant last year from one of our members for their volunteer service. The members voted to allocate those funds to the pantry in the form of a $300 Gift Card. A member of the Executive Board will deliver that Gift to the person in charge at the High School next week.

*** A box will be placed in the Arno Main Office to collect items for the Food Pantry. A list of suggested items needed will be placed on the box and an email, facebook post, and blog reminders will go out as well.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our FUN RUN WINNERS! We heard they had a fabulous lunch and an “unexpected” stop at McDonald’s for ice cream. Thank you for all of your hard work and support.

Our Fun Run was a HUGE SUCCESS, we raised over $19,000 and after all of our expenses, we ended up raising over $16,000. We really could not have done such an outstanding job without the support of our Arno Community!

Our Membership Drive has come to an end, but don’t worry, you can still become a PTA Member! Use the link below to sign up or pick up an application from the Bookfair to join! While you’re at it, we can help you link your Kroger Cards too!

The Winners of our Membership Drive were:

*** 1st Place- Mrs. Jensen’s Class! They received $100 in Scholastic Dollars and ear buds

*** 2nd Place- Mrs. Pushman’s Class! They received $50 in Scholastic Dollars and Emoji Pens

*** 3rd Place- Ms. Stanley’s Class! They will receive $25 in Scholastic Dollars, Stickers, and Licorice Erasers.

The 5th Graders are getting ready for Camp! In order to raise the funds needed for their 3 days of fun, they will be selling treats through Classic Recipes! If you would like to help support the 5th Graders please follow the link below and place your order.

Classic Recipes sells:

*** Cookie Dough (in tubs and proportioned)

*** Gourmet Popcorn

*** Pumpkin Rolls

*** Individual Personal Pizza Kits

*** Entertainment Book or Entertainment Book App

Founders Day Applications are now available! Nominations will be accepted through December 5th and can be picked up in the Main Office. Once we receive them electronically, we will also post them on Facebook and have Mr. Zielinski post them on the School Blog Site and in a School Wide email. If you have any questions, please contact us in person, via email, or via Facebook.

Thank you to everyone that attended our meeting tonight! We appreciate all of the support and ideas!

Volunteer Signup for Wild West Book Fair

We are seeking Cowboy and Cowgirls (volunteers) to help out with our Wild West Book Fair! Leave your electronics at home and come help us explore the world of books in our “Town” (Media Center)! All Wranglers who seek to help us with our shenanigans will receive $5 in scholastic dollars for each shift worked!

There are various Wrangling opportunities available each day (9:00-Noon and/or 1:00-3:15). Of course if you decide to join us for both opportunities, you will earn $10 in Scholastic dollars! Our wrangling stops at Noon-1:00 daily for Lunch or a Nap! There will be additional opportunities for an evening wrangling session on November 8th and 9th from 5:00-7:30 during conferences.

We look forward to Wrangling and Hootin’ and Hollerin’ with all our Cowboys and Cowgirls Big and Small!


Your Book Fair Sheriffs!


Happy Halloween Happenings…

Do the Mash…



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The results are in…

Although new members will always be accepted, the membership drive is over.  Winners were determined by highest % of stars per enrollment count of the classroom:

1st Place: Mrs. Jensen’s room with 162% will receive $100 Scholatic money to shop at the book fair and student ear buds.

2nd Place: Mrs. Pushman’s room with 79% will receive $50 Scholastic money to shop at the book fair and student pens

3rd Place: Ms. Stanley’s room with 75% will receive  $25 Scholastic money to shop at the book fair and student sitckers.

Thanks to everyone who has become a member of the PTA, there is always plenty of room for more members! We are proudly sitting at 141 members, but we are still striving to break our record setting 191 members from last year.

Thank You AP Firefighters

A big thank you to our local AP fire fighters who not only visited Arno to share safety tips with the students, but also brought their truck so our kids could actually go through it! Thank you!

Golden Tray Winners for October!

Kindergarten:  Mrs. Haskin

1st Grade:        Mrs. Pushman

2nd Grade:      Mrs. Cervantes

3rd Grade:       Mrs. Wesley

4th Grade:        Mrs. Kalis

5thGrade:         Mr. Creutz

Way to go Super Cougars!


Preschool Workshop 

Arno Elementary hosted a prescool/kinder skills night this past week as part of fulfilling our Title I school improvement plan.  Parents and their children were invited from Lindemann preschool, as well as Cabrini and the local AP Presbyterian church preschools with the main purpose of helping families better prepare for the transition into kindergarten next fall. Parents were able to learn about kindergarten readiness skills, reading startegies to use with their child, and an activity that can be used for learning letters.  Congratualtions to our kindergarten teachers Jeanine Haskin, Cristina DiCarlo, and Nickie Stanley for organizing and producing an amazing evening.  The event will held at Arno for both parents and local preschool teachers

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Super Cougar Lunch

Congratualtions to all of our PBIS Super Cougar Pizza lunch with the principal winners!  Way to go!

October Super Cougars

Haskin-Kylee Payne

Stanley- Nina Hegedus

DiCarlo- Brady Proctor

Martinchick- Savannah McNeal

Watson – Kaylyn Messer

Pushman – Rosalee Wynn

Schultz- Bryce Brewer

Cervantes-Gwen McCue

Amonette- Isabella Harrison

Warneck- Molly Schryer

Guyot-Chloe Skelly

Wesley- Ella Atkinson

Kalis- Jordyn Russell

Smalley- Kylee O’Connell

Trionfi- Jake Hauck

Higgins- Matthew Chadwick

Creutz- Flavia Hoxha

Andersen-Kalie McNamara

Hool- Leslie Hernandez

Jensen-Cooper Genaw

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Fun Run fun with Limo and Lunch for our top fundraisers!

We had an awesome time together as the Arno top fundraisers got treated to lunch at Red Robins and a limo to get us there.  What great weather we had to head out in our decked out limo!

A special shout out to Red Robin for great service from a very friendly staff, which really topped off the afternoon!  Thank you to all of our contributors for the Arno Fun Run!

K Stanley Nina Hegedus
1st Watson Isabella Chodkiewich

Olivia Ostrander

2nd Cervantes Marshall Hegedus
3rd Wesley Meadow Stewart
4th Smalley Luke Feroni
5th Hool Miley Keysaer

Principal for the Day

Arno had a very special guest principal for the day as Isabella Chodkiewich took over the office as the “Boss”.  Isabella won the position through being the top fund raiser for the Fun Run this fall.  She enjoyed walking around, talking to classes, calling bingo, and a special lunch.  Thanks for a great day Isabella!


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Roary the Lion Visits Arno

To thunderous applause, Roary the Lion ran into our assemebly Thursday along with Lion personnel Coach Chris and Coach Pat for a good message on Anti-Bullying.  Our Arno Cougars were very excited and enjoyed Roary’s performance as well as his message.  Go Lions!!

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3rd Grade Mobile Learning-Three Fires Tribe

In addition to today’s Lion’s assembly, we also had a visit from Metro Parks to work with 3rd grade.  The presentations were very educational and many items from earlier Native Americans were on display.

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PBIS Smencils for Sale

Smencils sales will begin again next week!  Smencils will be sold on Tuesday afternoons at 2:30p.  The proceeds from Smencils benefits the PBIS program at Arno.  With the funds, we are able to have great monthly incentives such as pizza lunches for Super Cougars and Zumba.  The prices for items are as follows:

Smencils: $1

Smens: $2

Smencils Pouches: $8

Happy Smelling!



Tips for Parents on Parent-Teacher Conferences

How Should Parents Navigate This All-Important Meeting? Educators Show the Way!

A key ingredient for educational achievement is the parent-teacher conference, and to make sure they’re successful for both parents and teachers, we’ve come up with a list of what educators would like parents to know.


The first on the list: Show up, please!

“We know parents are busy, but it is important to carve out time to invest in your child’s education and ensure success at school,” said National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel. “To get the most out of parent-teacher conferences, parents need to take an active role in their child’s education year-round and come prepared to discuss how their child can reach their full potential.”

Here are the rest of our tips for parents:

Get Ready. Do your homework prior to parent-teacher conferences. Prepare by writing notes to yourself concerning:

  •     Any questions about the school’s programs or policies.
  •     Things you can share with the teacher about your child and his life at home.
  •     Questions about your child’s progress.

Ask Important Questions

Don’t be afraid to engage in a frank conversation with your child’s teacher. Your goal is to develop an action plan for your child’s success at school. Good questions to ask the teacher include:

  •     What are my child’s strengths and weaknesse.
  •     How does my child get along with classmates?
  •     Is my child working up to her ability? Where could she use improvement?
  •     What can we do at home to support what you are doing in the classroom?

Initiate the Action Plan

Start immediately on the action plan you and the teacher put together. Discuss the plan with your child and track his progress. Stay in touch with your child’s teacher throughout the year with regularly scheduled “report card” conferences that can keep the communication lines open.

“Parents are the best resource for a child to make the grade,” said Van Roekel. “When teachers and parents work together, we can help a child have a successful school year.”



Greetings from Superintendent Darga,

I’m excited to announce that Allen Park Public Schools has an “Official Facebook Page”.

I will do my best to keep it updated with “All Things APPS”.  I’ll also add in or share posts that I feel would be beneficial for you as a member of our school community.

You will also notice that I’ve linked my TWITTER account to the FB account.  It’s important to me that I am visible throuhout the district.  While visiting our schools I often take pictures.  These photos are shared on Twitter to give a glimpse of what is happening in APPS.

I’m pretty new to most of this (Twitter & Facebook) and am open to suggestions.  IF you would like to see information on certain topics posted, please feel free to send me an email.

Be sure to check out the new page:

With Pride,

Mike D.


Brr!  The weather has turned chilly!  Although our afternoons are often warmer than mornings, please send your child to school with a warm coat daily.  We definitely want to take advantage of the sunny fall weather to play on our playground and with our fun new equipment, but need to be dressed appropriately!  It’s always a good idea to dress in layers to adapt to changing temperatures.  Please label your child’s jackets and sweaters so they can find their way back to their owners if left somewhere.  The Lost & Found is currently full of items needing to be claimed!





As our district continues to build towards more and more digital communications in the future, it is important that you take a moment to update your contact information in MiStar.  Under the “My Information” tab at the top right, you will now be able to update:

  • Email address for parents/guardians
  • Phone contacts for parents/guardians
  • Primary phone number – “Under Student Demographics”

o   This is the phone number used for automated phone notifications. 

  • Add Text Messaging

o   If you wish to receive text messages from the district, please select “SMS Cellular” as the “Telephone Type” for your primary phone number or other parent/guardian phone contacts.

  • Emergency Contact Updates (Authorizing release of your student)

Info on Parent Connect from the district website:

You must have a PIN and Password to log into ParentConnection. ParentConnection is a web program that allows parents to view information about their child.
To receive a PIN and passwords for ParentConnection contact your child’s school.
If you have more than one account to view your children, please contact the school office.
Make sure to insert your email after logging into ParentConnection.  Inserting your email will allow you to access the automated password reminder system.