Coming soon to Arno…
Nov. 20
No events
Nov. 21
Half-day dismissal 11:40
Teacher PD P.M.
Nov. 22
No School
Nov. 23
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov. 24
Shop ’till you drop
Nov. 27
No events
Nov. 28
3rd grade mobile learning
Dr. Hall 2:15 Read
Nov. 29
No events
Nov. 30
No events
Dec. 1
End of First Trimester
PBIS Reward
Thank you
It was great to see so many families out for parent/teacher conferences. As research has shown, a strong home-school connection is critical to a student’s academic success! If you ever have questions or concerns, please be sure to contact your child’s teacher.
PBIS Mentors
Thank you Sandy Bennett for kicking off our building Mentorship program with our young leaders. The kids have been so very excited to get started, and now they are off to their assignments!
New Blog out…
Please take a look at a new blog from our At-Risk Reading Speacilist D. Barb. Chuby. You can find it at
Founders Day
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From the PTA
Happy Thanksgiving!
Arno PBIS team in action!
Last Thursday our Arno PBIS leadership team presented all of our programming that relates to PBIS in front of a packed auditorium at RESA. The team included pictures, docs, and other examaples like shirts and our golden lunch tray program. Observing the room really showed how engaged they were about all of the things our buildings does every day and month. Congratulations to Lisa Smalley, Katie Jensen, Megan Schultz, and Sandy Bennett for an outstanding job!
Food Pantry
Dear Caring Cougar’s,
The AP high school counseling department reached out to our PTA. They informed us their food pantry supplies are running low. At APHS food pantry they provide food & necessities confidentially for families of AP students that are dealing with unforeseen circumstances, some of which have been tragic.
At our last PTA meeting members decided to support this cause in two ways. The Arno PTA received a $300 Consumers Energy Grant last year from one of our members for their volunteer service. We voted to allocate these funds to the pantry in the form of $300 worth of Kroger Gift card to assist in their inventory needs. We also decided to place a box in our main office to collect items from now through December. Students and staff can drop donations off and a PTA member will transport it to the HS pantry as our box fills up.
Suggested Items Need; cereal, cereal breakfast bars, pop tarts, canned vegetables, canned fruits, tuna, pasta and spaghetti sauce, macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles (or something similar that’s a quick fix meal) and any type of snacks. Personal hygiene products and socks.
Thank-you in advance for your partnership on this. We are excited to kick off the holiday giving season by supporting the kids in need within our district.
Your Arno PTA
Update on food Pantry:
We are humbly amazed at the amount of donations already cming in for APHS food drive. Here’s a pic of our 1st load from Arno & a pic of our districts sweet ‘lil pantry. December 18th will be the last day we are accepting donations in order to get supplies delivered to HS, sorted & distributed to those in need.
New Bus Zone
To accommodate bus arrivals at various throughout pickup/drop off, the bus lane on Thomas has been extended all the way up to the second grade set of doors. Please do not park in the zone for any pickup/dropoff. Thank you for helping keep our kids safe!
5th Grade Literacy in Action
Students in Mrs. Hool’s class were hard at work in Daily 5 through activities such as Working on Writing, Reading to a Partner and Listening to a book on Raz Kids
Boggle fun for Mrs. Smalleys kiddos…