Coming soon to Arno…
Nov. 26
No events
Nov. 27
Reflections Celebrations
Nov. 28
No events
Nov. 29
No events
Nov. 30
PBIS Reward
End of the 1st Trimester
Dec. 3
No events
Dec. 4
No events
Dec. 5
No events
Dec. 6
PTA Meeting 6:30
Dec. 7
Report Cards go home
Arno Vision
Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower
and inspire students to become collaborative learners
that strive for academic excellence
Please take a moment and read the communication link below for information on our Nov. 26th launch date for the new buzzer security system.
buzzer letter-19kvhyz
From the PTA
Happy Thanksgiving from the ARNO PTA! We hope you all have a happy, safe, and fun Holiday and we will see you back at school on November 26th!
The Reflections Celebration for the students that have participated in the event will take place on 11/27/18. Invitations have been sent home.
We are in need of a few volunteers to help out during the celebration. If you would like to volunteer please sign up using this link: go/10c0f4ca4aa2aa4fe3-20184
The Founders day nominations are due 11/30 please take a look at the link and submit and nomination!
The categories are (last years winners are listed next to each category and can not be nominated again this year):
§ Outstanding educator-Nikkie Stanley
§ Distinguished service award-Shannon Mihalik
§ Outstanding business partner-ATS Tax Service
§ Outstanding program-Fun Run
§ Outstanding support personnel-Tim Tanskley
§ Council member of the year-Paulette Lenart
§ Michigan Life membership-Michelle DesJardins
All nominations are due by Friday, November 30th and will be voted on at the December PTA meeting. Nomination forms can be downloaded by visiting: https://sites. founders-day.
Please submit your nominations to the ARNO office in a sealed envelope marked “PTA President- Founders’ Day” OR via email to with the subject: “PTA President- Founders’ Day”
The next PTA meeting is on 12/6/18 at 6:30 PM. The Founders’ Day voting will be held during this meeting so bundle up and come see us and vote! We hope to see you all there!
Special visitor to Arno
Mrs. Smalley’s nephew, Caleb Foote, starring in ABC’s “The Kids are Alright” paid a special visit to our 4th grade today. Check out some pics below and you can see his show on ABC every Tuesday at 8:30 p.m.
Conference totals
Thank you once again for attending parent/teacher conferences. Arno had 84% of parents attend this fall, up 1% from last year!
District-wide Holiday Toy Box Drive
The annual district-wide toy drive for local families, as in the past we are looking for donations of new or gently used clothing and toys. The box for drop off is in the main office at our school until December. Please consider donating something if you are able.
Kindergarteners Feast
Now this is the best kind of stuffing…
Board Recognition
Last blog we let our families and staff know that our social worker, Sandy Bennett, was awarded a Career Achievement Award at her state conference. During the November Board meeting, she was recognized for her efforts and her outstanding work she does to service our Allen Park students, parents, and staff.
The Career Achievement Award is a prestigious honor, not annually awarded by MASSW. In fact, there have been only 5 in the last 70 years and our Sandy is now one of the elite!
This award is reserved for recognizing an individual who has demonstrated exemplary services as a School Social Worker over a significant period of time, has developed creative programs, services, and/or interventions to improve or enhance the lives of children and families in the State of Michigan.
Congratulations Mrs. Bennett!!
New!! Safeties of the Month from Ms. Higgins
I just wanted to share the exciting news of Safety of Month! Each month I have selected 3 safeties to be “Safety of the Month.” I have chosen an outdoor safety, a kindergarten/young 5’s safety and a door/hallway/bus safety The safeties were awarded last month and were super excited for the honors!
If you notice a safety going above and beyond, please shoot me an email with their name, so they may be recognized!
Here are our September and October Safeties of the Month:
September: Bailey Ellis, Ethan Armstrong, and Adrian Gonzalez
October: Katie Watkins, Sammy Unger, and Peter Lenart
Parent information on the 3rd grade reading law
You can expand it below
3rd Gr Reading Facts Families Final 629306 7
Brr! The weather has turned chilly! Although our afternoons are often warmer than mornings, please send your child to school with a warm coat daily. We definitely want to take advantage of the sunny fall weather to play on our playground and with our fun new equipment, but need to be dressed appropriately! It’s always a good idea to dress in layers to adapt to changing temperatures. Please label your child’s jackets and sweaters so they can find their way back to their owners if left somewhere. The Lost & Found is currently full of items needing to be claimed!
November Greetings from the District
Some fun, local opportunities for kids:
1. Black Friday Musical Theater Camp – Arts Detroit (Allen Park Location)
2. Dance Classes for Pages 4+ – Arts Detroit (Allen Park Locations/Schools)
3. Winter Basketball Academy-City of Allen Park, partnering with the Detroit Pistons for students in Grades 3-8
4. Allen Park Ice Arena November/December calendar/OPEN SKATING TIMES
Black Friday Musical Theater Camp & Dance at Arts Detroit in AP.pdf
Pop Can Tabs
Madeline Every has been collecting pop can tabs at our schools to benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Detroit for a number of years now and she continues this very important effort. There will be a collection box in the office where you can drop off pop can tabs off to support her favorite charity.