Coming up at Arno…
April 25
No events
April 26
5th Grade Band Concert 7:00 Performing Arts
April 27
No Events
April 28
Fire Drill P.M.
April 29
Happy Friday!
I could not be prouder of our 5th grade students! Over the past two weeks our 5th grade Arno Cougars completed over 7 hours of state assessments. Our students were tested in the following categories:
- ELA Computer Adaptive & ELA Performance Task
- Math Computer Adaptive & Math Performance Task
- Social Studies Parts 1 & 2
I would also like to thank our staff and families for working together to prepare our students to be “test ready”. Great things happen when we work together as a team! As the building principal, I am excited to see our assessment results. I will be sure to keep you updated.
We did have our state visit Thursday to observe testing and Arno came through with flying colors. Way to go Cougars!!
Third graders are up next — beginning the week of April 25.
Important Project
Kiwanis Grant
Mrs. Jensen’s room recently received a $10,000 donation from the local Kiwanis that will go towards various items and funds that the students can benefit from.
As we close one school year and begin to plan for the next, student placement is one of our primary considerations. Our school team of teachers, administrator and social worker spend many hours working together to form classrooms for next year. We strive to balance classrooms with a blend of students based on academic strengths and needs, social and emotional supports, and the unique personalities of each child.
If you have any special concerns about your child’s placement for next school year, please submit a written explanation of the concern. For example, “my son is very active and needs to be placed in a classroom where he will have opportunities to move around” or “my daughter struggles with reading and needs a teacher with a strong background in reading”.
We do not/cannot accept any requests for a specific teacher. Letters requesting a specific teacher will be returned. The one exception is a request for your child to not be placed in a specific classroom based on previous first-hand experience you’ve had with a teacher. And, that parent concern / issue should be documented in the office. All such letters are due to the office no later than Friday, May 20, 2016.
This is the same procedure that has been used in previous years and is the same procedure used at Lindemann and Bennie. If you have any questions or concerns about this process, please feel free to contact my office.
Steve Zielinski, Principal
Earth Day
Arno celebrated Earth day today with numerous stations around the school with the Earth as the center theme. Some of our stations included Magnifying glasses, Recycling Sort, Sidewalk Chalk Messages/Pictures about Earth Day, Garbage Pick-up, Re-purpose/Reuse, Earth Day Poetry, Living vs. Non-living, My Sensory Journal. Thank you to all who helped with the set up for the great day!

First Graders were hard at work on writing, butterfly facts, and readers theater. It is so wonderful to see how well they are doing and how much growth they’ve made into becoming second graders!Busy Bees
Third Grade Activities
Some of our third graders in Mrs. Guyot’s class are pictured below besides a fruit salad assembly line. It was a conclusion activity after learning about Henry Ford’s life and his “Really Big Idea” the moving assembly line.
at Arno, Bennie and Lindemann Elementary
MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 – 6:00 p.m.
*Children who are five years of age by September 2 thru December 1 may only be enrolled for kindergarten at the request of the parent/guardian through a signed waiver process. Waiver form is available at the Riley Education Center.
Football Youth Camp
Camp Flyer (4)