Coming soon to Arno…
March 26
5th Grade Camp Begins
Tornado Drill a.m.
March 27
Principals to Camp
March 28
5th grade camp ends
Professional Int day @APHS (Steve) 10:30
March 29
Early Dismissal 11:40
Teacher PD p.,m.
March 30
Good Friday- No School
March 31-April 8– SPRING BREAK
April 9
Class Resumes
M-Step Assembly Kickoff 5th grade 10:30
April 10
No events
April 11
PBIS meeting 7:45
April 12
Fire Drill
ALICE Assembly 10:30 K-2/ 11:00 3-5
April 13
No events
ALICE Assembly
On April 12 (10:30 for K-2/11:00 for 3-5), we will hosting Sgt. Albright of the APPD. He will speaking with our Cougars about safety, kindness, using good judgement on what we say, and how our drills are changing. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Look at them Crazy Socks!
Congrats to Mrs. Jensen on a very successful Crazy Socks Day. This was a fundraiser for the Down Syndrome organization called Rubys Rainbows
In total our crazy socks raised $430! Way to go Cougars!
APPS Limited Schools of Choice Program Approved for 2018-19
The Allen Park Public Schools Board of Education approved the continuation of a limited Schools of Choice option for the 2018-19 school year for grades Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Application forms will be available starting Monday, April 9 through Friday, April 27, at the Riley Education Center between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. For your convenience, applications will also be available on our website –
Completed applications may be presented in person at the Riley Education Center or emailed to from April 9 through April 27 at 4:00 p.m. No late applications can be accepted.
A random draw selection will be held on May 1, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. at the Riley Education Center if you wish to attend. The draw will determine numerical selection for acceptance of candidates.
We ask that you help us by sharing this information with friends and/or family members who may be interested in having their children become a part of the Allen Park Public Schools Family.
For more information about the Schools of Choice Program, please see the attached FAQ’s, visit our website at or call (313) 827-2105
Young Fives
Early learning is a key component to the success of each and every child – the earlier we can provide solid educational opportunities to our younger learners the better. With that being said, we are very proud to announce that the Allen Park Public Schools Board of Education approved the expansion of the Young 5’s Program held at Lindemann (currently for the district) to Arno Elementary and Bennie Elementary starting with the 2018-19 school year.
Please share this information with friends and neighbors in the APPS boundaries with young children getting ready for school this fall!
Registration is still open for screening for the district’s Young Five’s Program. Ideal candidates for the program are turning 5 years of age between July 1 and December 1. (December 2 and later are not eligible and consideration will not be given to students born before July 1). The Young Five’s Program is currently open for residents of Allen Park Public Schools.
The Young Five Program is intended to be a bridge between preschool and kindergarten
Ideal candidates include children who:
- Turn 5 years old between July 1st and December 1st.
- Live in the Allen Park Public Schools district
- Could benefit from an extra year of social and emotional growth.
- Have made significant progress in preschool, but are not yet ready for the demands of Kindergarten.
- Have attended preschool (not a mandatory requirement, but strongly encouraged)
- Have a basic understanding of academic concepts
- Able to identify several letters, letter sounds, shapes, and colors.
Q: Is the Young Fives Program full day?
A: Yes, the children start and end school with all other K-5 students.
Q: Where will my child go after completing the Young Fives Program?
A: Your child will advance to kindergarten.
Q: Do students in the Young Fives program attend gym, art, music, media and technology?
A: Young Five students attend these classes as well as lunch with our Kindergarten students.
From the PTA
Happy Weekend! Just one more week before Spring Break and the Easter Holiday! Just a couple of reminders….
Daddy/Daughter RSVP’s are due on Wednesday, March 28th! This date is FIRM! We cannot accept any RSVP’s after this date! Also, this dance is for Arno Students ONLY! Please do not miss out on this Special Day with your Daughter!
Our next PTA Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 12th at 6:30 pm in the Arno Cafeteria. We will be holding our Executive Board Officers Elections and voting on our proposals for our year end funds.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Heather Manson, Debbie Burgess, and Mrs. Dalton for our successful Playworks Program. Please see our PTA Facebook Page for all the information on that program.
Have a Great Break! We will see everyone when we return!
K-5 Yoga is here!!
This year we started yoga sessions for our mentors and mentees. We are excited to announce that we are opening it up to anyone who is interested. Please see the flyer below for more information on this exciting opportunity
Bingo for Books MIRM Fun!
March is Reading Month guests…Thank you Mrs. Byrne for your hard work arranging our wonderful list of readers!
So many guest readers this month that included Dr. Jeanine Hall- AP Board Member, Sara Metzger- Bennie Principal, Dr. John Tafelski- Curr. Director, Mike Dawson- AP HR, Tabor Pepper- Green Bay Packers, Dr. Matt Sokol, Humphrey himself, and our Superintendent Mike Darga
M-Step is coming…
Please mark your calendars if you have a child in 3rd,4th,5th grade. The M-Step window opens up for 5th grade immediately following Spring Break. The 5th grade schedules is as follows:
April 11- Social Studies test (2 parts)
April 18- English Language Arts
April 20- Science (Field Test, this is new to 5th grade this year)
April 25- Math
I will publish the 3rd and 4th grade dates soon, with their window starting the first week of May. An informational letter will be coming home as well with additional details.
Kindergarten Registration Information 2018-19
Kindergarten Enrollment Flyer 2018-19 School Year-xy45zu
MONDAY, MAY 7, 2018 – 6:30 p.m.
at Arno, Bennie and Lindemann Elementary