February 2021

40 Great Happy Valentine's Day Animated Gif

Coming soon to Arno…

Feb. 4

PTA Virtual Meeting 6:30

Feb. 5

No School- Teacher PD

Feb. 14

Happy Valentines Moving Heart Gifs Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Feb. 15 & 16

No School- Winter Break

Feb. 18

Picture Day


Happy Valentine's day baboo!! Have a great day xoxoxoxo | Snoopy love, Snoopy valentine's day, Snoopy pictures

Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower

and inspire students to become collaborative learners

that strive for academic excellence


Picture Day Coming Feb. 18

Picture Day for Arno Elementary is scheduled for Thursday, February 18, 2021.

This Picture Day event’s Order Code is 50419KF.

This is the direct link for parents if you wish to order online and your child is being photographed on 2/18, https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/50419K.  The picture day is provided online when parents click on the link.

**Virtual families, we will get more info out for you to schedule you to come in




We are so EXCITED to have our students back in class! Please review the following return information below:


  • All students will attend in-person instruction Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Wednesdays being remote (at home) for deep cleaning
  • Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday (FULL DAYS: 8:40am-3:20pm): In-Person Learning for ALL students in ALL grades
  • Wednesday (HALF DAYS: 8:30am-11:30am) Remote Learning for ALL students in ALL grades


  • Please review the Return to School Roadmap Virtual Binder created by the Wayne County Health Department.  This document outlines safety protocols to keep schools safe based on the status of the Coronavirus.
  • Procedures related to possible or confirmed COVID-19 cases, reporting, and quarantining are contained in the Virtual Binder link above.
  • Families will complete the COVID-19 Screening Tool for Families (p. 9 of the Virtual Binder) every day prior to sending children to school.  If you answer “YES” to one or more questions, you MUST keep your child home from school that day and consult your primary care provider.
  • Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases must be reported immediately to the school office.
  • Please report all absences to the school office by 9:00am.  
  • All students in all grades will be required to wear masks at all times in the school building unless eating or drinking.  Please practice mask wearing for extended periods of time in the coming days.
  • Please provide a spare mask in a plastic bag in your child’s backpack.  We will have extra masks available if needed.  Mask lanyards will be provided for students.
  • Masks should: 
    • Have two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric
    • Completely cover your nose and mouth
    • Fit snugly against the sides of your face without gaps
    • Gaiter masks: Evaluation is ongoing, but effectiveness is unknown at this time.  Single-layer gaiter masks are not recommended by the CDC.
  • Current spacing between desks in classrooms is a minimum of 3 feet when measured from one child’s nose to the next child’s nose.   
  • Students will remain in their desk area for most of the day.  There will be little movement around the classroom or to other parts of the building to reduce close contact wherever possible.
  • District Chromebooks should come back and forth every day in order for us to be prepared in the event of an unexpected school closure.  Please make sure the charger is included.
  • Please ensure that your child’s Chromebook is fully charged each night before coming to school.
  • Students will need headphones or earbuds daily.  Students may bring these back and forth with Chromebooks daily, or keep a set at school and a set at home.  Label with your child’s name.
  • Classroom surfaces will be regularly cleaned throughout the school day by adults and with the assistance of students where appropriate.  A hospital-grade disinfectant and disinfectant wipes will be used in classrooms.
  • Supply lists may be re-sent from your child’s classroom teacher.  Please consult with your child’s teacher about any adjustments that may have been made to the supply list.
  • Individual water bottles are recommended.  Please consider a pop-top or straw-type if possible to avoid spills onto school materials or technology.  Label with your child’s name.
  • Please practice independence with shoe tying, zippering, buttoning, and other clothing features with your child.
  • Allen Park Public Schools will not be offering district provided bus transportation for our general education students. We will continue to provide daily transportation for our Special Education students.
  • NWEA testing will be administered during the month of February.  Your child’s teacher will provide these details to you.


  • At this time, no visitors will be allowed in the building. When this policy changes, we will let the community know.
  • Most meetings can be held via Zoom. If you need to meet in person with the principal, the meeting will be pre-scheduled. In these instances, visitors will be required to wear a mask at all times, a space that allows for social distancing will be used, and visitors will be required to complete the Covid screener through ClearToGo prior to entering the building.
  • Whenever possible, please refrain from bringing forgotten items to school after the start of the school day. This includes homework, classwork, textbooks, etc.
  • All visitors MUST go to the main entrance and use the doorbell to inform the office staff what you are at the building for. Office staff will let you know from there what you should do.
  • It is imperative we know who is in our buildings to ensure for proper contact tracing if needed. Please do NOT enter the building when doors are open during arrival and dismissal. 
  • When picking up a child early, please ring the doorbell and let the office staff know who you are picking up. Office staff will walk the child outside to you at the main entrance. 


  • Families will complete the COVID-19 Screening Tool for Families (p. 9 of the Virtual Binder) every day prior to sending children to school.  If you answer “YES” to one or more questions, you MUST keep your child home from school that day and consult your primary care provider.
  • Families do not need to print the screener or fill anything out online, but must answer these questions at home every morning for yourself.
  • Arrival time is between 8:40-8:50am at your child’s assigned entry door (see attachment).
  • Students should not be lining up prior to 8:40am as there will not be outside supervision for students.
  • Upon arrival, if there is a line forming, students should wait on the painted paw prints.
  • Arrival beyond 9:00 am will be considered tardy and students must be buzzed in through the front doors of the school.
  • The beginning of the school day will be a “soft start” as students arrive during the arrival window.  Independent work and quiet activities will be provided as students arrive, prior to the day’s instruction.
  • Bagged breakfast will be provided each afternoon for students to take and eat at home the next morning.
  • No breakfast will be provided at school in the mornings.
  • Line up below


  • All students will eat lunch in classrooms.
  • Bagged lunches will be provided through the Food Service Department free of charge through the end of the school year!  Choices will include hot lunch, soy butter sandwich, or salad kit.  All lunches will be individually packaged.
  • Please apply for Free & Reduced Meal Benefits, even if you think you may not qualify.  Our schools receive additional funding for the number of students eligible for Free & Reduced Lunch:  https://frapps.horizonsolana.com/welcome
  • Students may still bring lunches from home if desired.
  • Please avoid sending lunches with peanut butter products whenever possible.
  • Please practice the process of opening food packages with your child.  Encourage your child to open food packages independently.
  • Students will clean hands and desks before and after eating in the classroom.
  • Whenever weather permits, students will have outdoor recess. The recess playground will be open to move around.  to keep everyone safe, masks will be worn at recess and students will have seperate mask breaks. 
  • During inclement weather, recess will be held indoors.  Students must wear masks during indoor recess.


  • Specials classes(Art, Music, Phys Ed, Media Lit & Media Tech) will be transitioning into their own classrooms throughout the month of February.  
  • Specials will remain on a 2-week rotation, meaning that classes will have the same special every day for 2 weeks at a time.  Your child’s teacher will let you know what special your child will have in the coming weeks.  Please consider the following for specials:
    • Phys Ed classes will be outside whenever possible, weather permitting.  Phys Ed classes require students to wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. During the winter months, please send your child with appropriate clothing which includes a coat, hat and gloves. 
    • Media Tech classes will require headphones (see above).  Please let your child’s teacher know if he or she is unable to bring headphones or earbuds to school daily.
    • Art classes may utilize some shared materials.  Materials will be sanitized between classes.


  • Dismissal time is between 3:0-3:20 pm at your child’s assigned dismissal door.   
  • PLEASE NOTE that the dismissal door may not be the same as your child’s entry door!
  • One class will exit each dismissal door at a time.  Your child’s teacher will communicate which order their class will exit the assigned door.
  • Parents with multiple children: please meet your youngest child at his or her exit door first.  Make a plan with your older children about where to meet you (wait at their door, meet at a designated spot, etc.).
  • Please leave the school grounds as soon as you connect with your child(ren) so as to promote social distancing.
  • We know that a return to in-person learning brings both excitement and uncertainty.  We are committed to working together with our families as partners as we learn new things, adapt to changing circumstances, and keep each other safe.  Please contact our office if you have any questions at any time.  Thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation.  


COVID-19 health screening questions for families English 010721


NWEA Testing

This month with our students back in the classroom we will giving the reading and math Winter NWEA test.  Please stay tuned for more specifics testing information from your classroom teacher.


February is Black History Month!

Every day this month, the Arno students are learning about a special Black American in history – ranging from Rosa Parks to Lebron James! During these daily videos, students are learning interesting facts and accomplishments by past and present scientists, athletes, artists, activists and more – all from our very own Arno Teachers!  In addition to learning about these leaders and heroes, the students are also discovering important vocabulary and concepts, such as acceptance, diversity, equality and racism. Classroom teachers are also extending instruction with various activities and literature.

Keep the conversation going at home! Ask your child who they learned about in each day’s lessons. Use multiple resources to do more research – like YouTube, multiple websites, books, and museums and institutions.

Some great websites to learn together at home include:

Museums/Institutions (Please keep in mind that these institutions are limiting attendance due to COVID 19, view their website for more details)
Henry Ford Museum – https://www.thehenryford.org/current-events/calendar/black-history-month-celebration/

Motown Museum – https://www.motownmuseum.org/
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History – https://www.thewright.org/
Detroit Historical Museum – https://detroithistorical.org/detroit-historical-museum/plan-your-visit/general-information
Detroit Institute of Arts – www.dia.orgWe are so proud of the diversity at Arno, and the new learning happening everyday! Keep it up, Arno Cougars!



From the PTA…

Hi Arno elementary families,

Introducing a great new fundraiser called Givebacks! You get to save on things you can actually use – and our PTA gets up to 20% back!

Help us support our school.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Go to our eStore https://arnopta.memberhub.store/store?category=Sponsors to shop, save, and support.
2. Our PTA automatically gets up to 20% donated back!
3. We’ll be adding new Givebacks about every week from brands you know and love, plus some new finds to discover.

This is the perfect way to jump start your holiday shopping!

It’s that Simple – CLICK – SAVE – SUPPORT

Don’t forget to share your purchases on social media! The more you share, the more funds we raise.


Arno pta

P.S. If YOU own a business and you’re interested in doing a Givebacks to benefit our school, please let us know! We want to include your business.

March is Reading Month

Information coming soon on this as we discuss how to handle this event this year.  Also coming in March, the PTA will be hosting a virtual book fair- certainly something to look forward to!


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Arno Facebook

“LIKE” us to see lots of great updates and photos from school!  Thank you for promoting this social media platform as a positive way to share the good news and great things happening at Arno!





Please consider joining Arno Remind at:


Full directions: remind invite



January 2021

Happy New Year 2021 GIF - Get The Best New Year Animated gif - Download on Funimada.com

Coming soon to Arno….

Jan. 4 2021

Classes Resume Remotely

Jan. 15

No school- Teacher PD

Jan 18

No School- MLK Observed


67.5k Likes, 314 Comments - Snoopy And The Peanuts Gang (@snoopygrams) on Instagram: “Happy New Year! 🎊🎆🎈… | Snoopy happy new year, Snoopy new year, Happy snoopy

Arno Vision

Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower

and inspire students to become collaborative learners

that strive for academic excellence


Happy New Year Cougars!  As we start 2021. our current remote schedule will continue through at least January 22.  This month the Board of Education will once again evaluate the current learning plan, review the current Covid data, and make the best decisions to move Allen Park students forward.  The district will notify you of any changes to the current remote plan should it change.  Until then, please plan on having your child on Google Meet (the district has made the switch from Zoom) and follow your teacher’s current schedule.  Looking forward to a better 2021!

Steve Zielinski, Principal


Congratulations GIFs | Tenor


The annual Founder’s Day Awards were announced at December’s PTA meeting.  Congratulations to all our winners!  The award winners will be recognized for their accomplishments in the near future.

Outstanding Educator

Katie Jensen

Support Person

Cathy Anderson

Outstanding Program

Huron-Clinton MetroParks


Our Arno staff is working extra-hard to create a vibrant and engaging online learning experience for our students until our return.  Please make every effort to ensure that your child is attending class Google Meet, intervention time, appointments with special service providers, and completing all assigned classwork.  We know that the remote learning environment poses many challenges, and we appreciate you working together as partners with us.  We need to be able to connect with your child online to provide the best supports possible so all of our Cougars can reach their greatest potential!


10 Ways to Stay Positive during Tough Times | Lippincott NursingCenter

Social/Emotional Forgiveness Theme for January

Forgiveness means choosing to
let go of anger and resentment
toward yourself or someone else.
Students learn how to forgive
themselves and others if they’ve
made a mistake, caused an
accident, or hurt someone as a
result of their actions. Forgiveness
has been shown to improve
relationships, decrease anxiety
and stress, lower blood pressure,
lower the risk of depression, and
strengthen immune and heart health.

Forgiveness S.E.L. Monthly Newsletter




Kids Stretching GIF by PlayKids - Find & Share on GIPHY

Let’s get moving in 2021!

Mrs. Smalley’s January Exercise Calendar

January 2021 Exercise Calendar-2


Even though we are virtual right now, we are continuing to use our building PBIS strategies in our remote classrooms.  One of those traditions that are we will continue is lunch with the principal.  Instead of meeting up for pizza, I will be zooming in with all of our Remote super cougars over lunch so we can enjoy still being together, but in the safety of our own homes.  Each teacher will pick one Super Cougar and will be out with some invites for those students soon.



On the bottom of each district device is a barcode sticker. To quickly assist you with the issue, please provide us with that number on the sticker when submitting your request below.

Furthermore, if you have an issue with logging into an account, please provide us with your child’s student user ID number when submitting the request.



The Technology department has daily open hours from 1-3 pm at Riley door 6 for anyone to come to us with Chromebook problems or damage.  

To update your Chromebook to the newest Operating System please follow this video


If you need to sign a pdf from your Chromebook please add the DocHub extension to Chrome.


If you are having issues with Parent Connect, please send an email to the following address:


If you are having issues with Student Connect, please send an email to the follow address:


To log in to Clever:

Please use your Google login (2001####@appublicschools.com)

Seesaw login

Please use your Google login (2001####@appublicschools.com)

Think Central

Please use your Google login (2001####@appublicschools.com)

Microsoft Office (portal.office.com)

Please use your Google login (2001####@appublicschools.com)


We have once again had to reschedule our Fall Picture Day for a date when we hope students to be at school in person!  Please stay tuned for more information!  School pictures are for students who will be in-person and on the Virtual Learning track.

Inter-State Studio has resources on their website, including these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Picture Day for Arno Elementary School is RESCHEDULED for Thursday, Feb. 18,  2021!

Pusheen The Cat Images New Year S Resolutions Wallpaper New Year\'s Resolutions - LowGif

New Year’s Resolution

Why New Year’s Resolutions Matter More in a Pandemic

Ask yourself these five questions when setting 2021 goals.

Goodbye, 2020! holiday cards announce. What a year! we exclaim to each other. We can’t wait for 2020 to be over. But as we settle into a hard winter, I can’t help wondering: Will 2021 really be any better?

With the vaccines and a new administration coming, many are optimistic. But we are not at the end. We are in what Harvard Business School’s Rosabeth Moss Kanter famously calls the “messy middle,” where everything is hardest.

When everything went sideways this year, we were collectively freaked out—and also energized. We bought groceries for our neighbors and protested peacefully. We bravely adjusted to massive changes in the way we work, educate our children, shop, and socialize. But in the midst of crisis, we’re seeing just how little support our society offers to working parents, the unemployed, and many others who are struggling. Our surge capacity is depleted. The adrenaline is gone. We need a hug—from someone outside of our household.

This is what happens with all big change, and the bigger the change, the more tempted we are to give up, to turn our attention to something shiny or delicious, to seek short-lived hits of pleasure in lieu of long-term meaning.

It’s too early to give up, friends. This messy middle is hard, and the coming year is not likely to be anything close to “normal.” Instead of just waiting—another year, maybe more—for it all to be over, we’ll do better to re-engage with the things that bring us meaning in life. So put down that cookie (I’m talking to myself here) and use this checklist to set your mid-pandemic course correction on the best possible path. Even if it feels like all you’re doing is trying to survive, these questions may help you gain a sense of control amid the uncertainty.

1. What do you want to take with you when this is all over? While I’m sure a lot about 2020 didn’t work for you, this is the time to reflect on what has. If you’re not leaving the house much, what do you like about being home more? Many teenagers are benefiting from increased family time and more sleep. What is working for you?

2. What are some aspirational goals that you could set for yourself? Research shows that setting specific, difficult goals consistently leads to higher performance (if that’s what you’re after). Where in your life would you like to step things up? Perhaps you’d like set up a gratitude practice, or maybe you’d like to spend less time on social media. Where can you do better despite the pandemic (and everything else)? The goal is not to add more pressure to an already difficult time, but to identify goals that could help you feel better and have more energy at the end of the day.

3. What new habit have you wanted to get into for a while now? Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a meditator. Perhaps your doctor wants you to move more. Like it or not, limited travel can make our daily routines more consistent, and that makes this a great time for many people to establish a healthy habit.

4. How can you invest in yourself? What “deferred maintenance” do you need to take care of? What most of us really need right now is rest. Could you resolve to go to bed earlier a few days per week? Or would you have more energy if you improved your diet? Remember, the best resource that you have for making a contribution to the world is YOU. When that resource is depleted, your most valuable asset is damaged. In other words: When we underinvest in our bodies, minds, or spirits, we destroy our most essential tools for leading our best lives.

5. What do you want to feel more of in 2021? Perhaps you want to feel less overwhelmed and more at peace, or maybe you want to feel more connected to others and less isolated. What behaviors or habits have, in the past, elicited the emotion that you are looking for? Maintenance habits (like cleaning up or getting to inbox zero) might make you feel less overwhelmed; finding purpose tends to make us feel more connected.

Talk with your friends and family about these questions; they are important ones. Once you’ve pondered the above checklist, make a list of your answers, and then cross off the ideas you have for goals, habits, or resolutions that simply aren’t realistic, or that your heart isn’t in. There’s no shame in narrowing things down, especially in the midst of this global crisis! Now, more than ever, that means eliminating “shoulds.”

Once you have a list of wishes for yourself, it’s time to turn them into action. Piles of research show that just dreaming about what you’d like to do, including making resolutions and setting goals, actually reduces the odds that you’ll achieve them. We also have to make specific plans, map out potential obstacles, and find ways to make the process enjoyable.

When done correctly, setting goals and making resolutions can shape our behavior for the better. Our habits can make us feel happier, healthier, and more connected to those around us. These are worthy goals in any year, whether we are in a pandemic or not.

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Where: On Zoom!! This year, Allen Park High School’s NHS will be offering Virtual Tutoring for all students that attend AP Public Schools. In order to reach the zoom links, we created a Google Site specifically for this, it’s
(https://sites.google.com/appublicschools.com/nhstutoring/home). A student must be using their school email account in order to access the Google Site.

When: Every Tuesday and Thursday, from 4 PM to 8 PM.

How: There will be three zooms per 30 minute block, divided by sections of grades: K-2, 3-5, 6-12. Every zoom will have a breakout room available to focus on certain subjects if needed. Students will not have to sign up in advance to attend a session. This video helps explain how students can join the Zoom tutoring sessions: https://youtu.be/sBqErzN9EKQ

Who: Each zoom session will have two members from NHS in them to help and monitor the other students.


Resources from the Wayne County Health Department

There are many resources for the fight against Covid on the Wayne County site, along with testing site info, school recommendations, and other helpful info.- including recommendations for the holidays.  Please click the link for more info:



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Arno Facebook

“LIKE” us to see lots of great updates and photos from school!  Thank you for promoting this social media platform as a positive way to share the good news and great things happening at Arno!





Please consider joining Arno Remind at:


Full directions: remind invite


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