Coming soon to Arno…
Oct. 4
Fire Drill
Oct. 6
Picture Day
Super Cougar Lunch
PTA Meeting 6:00
Oct. 11
2nd Grade to Real Life Farm
Oct. 13
ALICE Evacuation Drill 1:30- Full evac to church meeting point
Oct. 18
Culver’s Scholarship Fundraiser Night
Oct. 19
Kinder to Real Life Farm
Oct. 24
Mrs. Fields Office Fundraiser Kickoff
Oct. 28
Halloween Parade 10:00
Early Release 11:30
Oct. 31
Happy Halloween! Full Day of School
Arno Vision
Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower
and inspire students to become collaborative learners
that strive for academic excellence
From the PTA
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an all-volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization that works cooperatively with school administration and educators to provide opportunities for our students and families to socialize by providing fun family events and in-school opportunities. We have provided assemblies, family activity nights, playground/gym equipment, student technology, staff appreciation, and so much more!
Fun Run Success!
Wow! Our Cougars did an amazing job gathering donations for the Fun Run! Together we raised almost $28,000 and want to thank everyone who helped make this event a success! We couldn’t do it without the support of our Cougar families, volunteers, teachers, staff, and the PTA – A BIG THANK YOU! These donations help fund special events such as dances, family activity nights, in-school assemblies, gym equipment, and so much more. We had so much fun this year and hope your Cougar did too! Way to go Cougars!
Next PTA Meeting
Thursday, October 6th at 6:00 PM – Come see what we have planned next for our students!
*New Room Location* We will be meeting in the Arno Media Center. Enter through the school front doors, go all the way down the hall until it ends and turn left. We will have childcare for all Arno students. Please register to become a PTA member.
PTA Membership Drive
We currently have our membership drive contest going on through October 14th and the cost is $7 per membership. Your membership will count towards our contest. The top membership class will win an ice cream party! Anyone can join the PTA – parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. Register online by following this link We appreciate your support!
Mark Your Calendars!
Book Fair – November 7th – 11th | located at Arno. More information to come soon!
Spirit Wear Sale – November 16th – 30th | Spirit wear will be sold online this year. More information to come soon!
Like us on Facebook by searching @arnoelementarypta – be sure to like our page, we occasionally give away cool stuff like Detroit Tigers tickets!
Picture Day is Coming!
Picture Day for Arno Elementary is scheduled for Thursday, Oct 6.This event’s Order Code is |
Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day |
Walk to School 2022
Walk to School 2022
Fall Office Fundraiser
Arno will be trying a new fundraiser this year- Mrs. Fields/The Cheesecake factory starting Oct. 24 to help supplement the many requests we get from staff during the school year such as assessment programs, research-based activities, special project supplies, literacy materials, tech, etc. The last fundraiser helped us purchase many extra classroom supply requests, Super Cougar pizza lunch supplies, and books for teachers.
The PTA has been a tremendous resource for our building with all they have given, however, the many teacher requests received throughout the school year to give our students the very best experiences create a need to seek additional support. Therefore, we have partnered with this company to offer you a choice of items should you choose to purchase any, that would support providing more resources for our teachers. The large envelope coming home on Oct. 24 will contain all of the information needed (and there is an online order method).
Fundraiser Timeline
October 24 – November 7 (All orders due) Fundraiser Sale
November 7 All money and orders due (online payment option available)
Prize info for qualifying sales coming soon at kickoff!
Halloween Parade
Time to get those costumes on the kids and come on down to Arno on Oct. 28 at 10:00 for our annual Halloween Parade. Our route will take us out of the 5th grade doors that morning, making a loop on the inside perimeter of the playground. Please join us around the outside perimeter of the playground for the best seats. It is a district PD day with an 11:30 dismissal that morning.
Halloween is a full day on Monday. While some teachers may do some activities centered around Halloween, costumes are not allowed on Monday. Thank you!
Building up to Kindergarten- Coming Soon!
Be sure to sign up in the link provided!
Building Up to Kindergarten Part 1 11.3.22
October Movin’
Congratulations to one of our very own Cougars- Ava Fugedi, on being cast in the Nutcracker Ballet coming to the Fox Theater this Christmas! Be sure to get your tickets!
PTA Holiday Fever is coming to town…
Current Protocol for Covid Cases