Coming soon to Arno…
Dec. 2
No events
Dec. 3
No events
Dec. 4
No events
Dec. 5
Super Cougar Pizza Lunch
PTA meeting 6:30
Dec. 6
Report Cards available after 4:00 p.m. via Parent Connect
Dec. 9
No events
Dec. 10
Reflections Breakfast
Dec. 11
No events
Dec. 12
No events
Dec. 13
Half-Day Early Dismissal 11:30
Dec. 16
Arno Christmas Sing A Long 2:30
Dec. 17
Metro Parks 3rd Grade
Honor Choir Concert APAC 6:30
Dec. 18
Kindergarten to Marquis Theater
Dec. 19
No events
Dec. 20
PBIS Reward
**Christmas Break begins at the end of the day
Christmas Break Dec. 21- Jan 5—Classes Resume Jan 6, 2020
Arno Vision
Arno Elementary will provide a system of support to empower
and inspire students to become collaborative learners
that strive for academic excellence
On behalf of all the staff at Arno, we wish you and your family
a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season!
Celebrating being a Super Cougar at Rewards Clubs
This month we ran a second version of PBIS Clubs for our students as their monthly reward. Lots of fun clubs for the kids to visit from Legos to book club to drawing an Elf! Providing this incentive is a way of recognizing student effort in following all of our Arno PBIs expectations for behavior. Way to go Cougars!
Thank you once again for attending parent/teacher conferences. A strong school/home connection is research proven to make a difference in a child’s education. In addition, please consider contacting your teacher if you are available to volunteer in the building and/or interested in doing projects at home.
To all of our students who entered the PTA sponsored Reflections contest on “Look Within”. We are so very proud that so many students entered this year. As part of that contest, winners are picked for each category and will go on to the state judging where they can earn additional recognition. All of our winners are below!
Makenzie Warneck
Ameria Bellinger
Cecilia Bergman
Visual Arts
Primary: k-2
Nina Hegedus
Lainey Sisson
Intermediate: 3-5
Ameria Bellinger
Cecilia Bergman
Our breakfast for all students that participated is Dec 10
District-wide Holiday Toy Box Drive
The annual district-wide toy drive for local families, as in the past we are looking for donations of new or gently used clothing and toys. The box for drop off is in the main office at our school until December. Please consider donating something if you are able.
Help! Volunteers needed for the classroom!
Arno parents are encouraged to sign up and become involved in our Cougar day! Volunteers are such an important part of being partners for your child’s education. If you have not had the chance yet, the volunteer form is below:
Parent Volunteers Needed
Reminder-Free NHS Tutoring is Back!
In case you missed the Facebook post…
Fourth grade had an awesome experience at the Parade Company this past month, with up close and personal tour of all the floats that were featured in the Thanksgiving Parade!
Traffic Pattern
As we all need to get our children to school, safety is always the primary concern. We will do our best to help ensure an orderly drop-off/pick-up daily, but we need your help in making that happen.
** No child should run across the street to get into a car, or out.
**Help our traffic issues around school by parking a block or so away and WALKING your child before and after school.
**School traffic flow MUST go clockwise around the school. Make sure that your passenger door is ALWAYS closest to the curb.
Breakfast and Lunch Program
Parents can setup a free account online at . You will need their child’s student id number to setup the account and can get the id number from parent connection, the school office or the FS office. To view your child’s meal account information and/or make payments online at (link is on our website). There is a small transaction fee charged to make online payments. The lunch program will continue to accept cash or check as we always have.
Parent Information:
Parent website:
Parent support line for questions: 1-877-237-0946
MyPaymentsPlus Free Mobile App available for download on IPhones, Androids and Tablets!!
**If you believe that you may qualify for free or reduced lunch, we ask that you please submit the application that went home in September or pick up a new one from the office as soon as possible. Our total count for free/reduced lunch helps the district receive federal funds to run our Title 1 program and help our at-risk students.
If you are not sure about the guidelines or have
any other questions, please call the office @827-1050
Free and Reduced Meal Application 19-20 SY (1)
Top Ten Ways to Encourage Children to Read Over Christmas Break
10. Set expectations. I expect my students to continue to read daily over break. I expect the same of my own children at home. I tell them up front that I will be checking in after break and want to know what they read. As a parent, I ask my boys what they are reading each day and talk to them about the book when they’re done. There is not a question of if they will read on a given day, but when and how much.
9. Make plans. . In my classroom we will plan out what we think we will read before we leave for break. In my home we will plan out the best time for us to read, daily. My students know I plan to read a book a day over break. I need to plan ahead so that I have enough reading material to make it over the long break. I ask them to think about the books they are reading – do they need to take more home? My own children ensure they have reading material to read each day. If they don’t, we jump down to number 8. (Or, we jump to number 8 if it is Saturday, rainy, or we’re just in the mood.)
8. Visit a library or a bookstore. Just going to either one of these places is great – you are immediately surrounded by a community of readers! Both of my boys have library cards and a trip to the library is guaranteed during winter break. I immediately head to the new picture books and plop on the floor and read as many as possible. They usually head to the non-fiction books and look for something new on their current obsession. The bookstore is just as wonderful and we could all spend hours there.
7. Connect them to an author. I’ve seen it in my classroom and I’ve seen it at home – when children connect to the authors of the books they are reading, magic happens. Luckily, in this era, this is easier than ever. Kids can tweet out their love of their books to the author who wrote them. Many authors will tweet back. At home and at school we also check out the author’s website. Sometimes you can email them, but even more than that the resources are often incredible. Watch book trailers; find out the story of why they wrote the book, and more.
6. Talk. In my classroom I make time to sit down with each child over the course of two weeks and talk about what they’re reading. This is just as important at home, if not more so. I want to know what my boys are reading and what they are connecting to. I want to be there when they read the sad/hard/scary/funny part and get to discuss the reaction they had. I want to discuss why they feel this is the best series of all time and debate it. We connect through books and the discussion around them strengthens that bond.
5. Make it fun. We hold read-a-thons in my giant bed on a regular basis on the weekends. It’s a great feeling to look up from my cozy spot and see both of my boys curled up near me reading their books. If it is cold outside, we hold our read-a-thons downstairs by the fire with hot chocolate. There are challenges to see who can read the most, book talks to try and convince family members to read the book next, and more.
4. Make it important. When we value something, we devote time to it. By doing so, we show its importance. That’s why when I heard this idea from author Linda Urban; I knew I was going to steal it. In Linda’s family they bring their books to the dinner table on Tuesday nights. Whatever you’re currently reading is welcome. Finger food is on the table for dinner and for the entire meal everyone reads. Let me say that again, everyone reads. Think of the message that sends children!
3. Give books. We give books to everyone on our list. I include my boys on the title discussions for each recipient so they can see the thought that goes into matching the perfect title with the recipient. We talk about how wonderful the gift of a book is because it gives the person we’re giving it to an experience. (For more on giving books, and Chronicle’s #givebooks campaign, check out this link:
2. Get books. Books are part of the gift of Christmas in our home. I can think of no better way to send the message that I want you to be a reader than to give books. My boys can tell me titles that they are looking forward to reading and I will purchase them, but I also buy some because I think they will be a good stretch. I also give them gift cards so they can go to the bookstore and pick out their own books. If you are looking for great titles this year, look no further than the Nerdy Book Club nominees for 2013:
1. Be a role model. In the classroom I share my reading life with my students. Returning from Thanksgiving break I will tell them what I read over break and share titles. I want them to know I am a reader. I do the same with my children at home. If I don’t model it, they won’t do it. Be a reader. Magazines, novels, comics, newspapers, etc. – let them see you read. Let them see you react to books. Inspire
Katherine Sokolowski has taught for fifteen years and currently teaches fifth grade in Monticello, Illinois. She is passionate about reading both in her classroom and also with her two sons. You can find her online at and on Twitter as @katsok.
Health Corner
Winter time brings some additional challenges to school aside from the cold weather. Below are a few reminders for helping our students to stay safe and healthy at school:
- Wash hands frequently — especially after using the restroom, coughing, or sneezing.
- Cover your cough — cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
- Encourage children to put hats and gloves into coat sleeves when hanging among others’ items.
Please report all cases of communicable illnesses or circumstances to our office when reporting your child’s absence.
** Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to school.
** Students who have been treated for head lice must have a head check in the office before returning to class, even if the head lice was discovered over the weekend.
By reporting these things to our staff, we can limit the spread of germs and other things. The two attachments contain additional information that may be helpful to you. Please know that information related to illnesses is kept confidential. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
LL_May_101_Parents (2)-2128vgf
Brr! The weather has turned chilly! Please send your child to school with a warm coat daily. It’s always a good idea to dress in layers to adapt to changing temperatures. Please label your child’s jackets and sweaters so they can find their way back to their owners if left somewhere. The Lost & Found is currently full of items needing to be claimed!
Take a peek at Santa’s Reindeer
Track Santa with NORAD help