Welcome Back to the 2020-2021 School Year!!

Welcome back Cougars!
We are so very excited to welcome you all to the 2020-21 school year at Arno Elementary. Although we are starting in a different way this year, we are determined to make this the best year for all of our students!
I am hoping that everyone found some time to relax, have lots of fun, spend quality time together- and maybe even get a tan… and now we are looking forward to fall and cider mills and getting back to some school work. As always Arno is dedicated to providing the best education with our caring teachers who have always gone above and beyond every year. This past summer, many of our staff, as well as parents, were involved in focus groups that worked through the issues that the current situation has presented, and finding solutions that work best for all of our stakeholders. We took a look at academics, student and staff safety, specials, special education, and extra curricular items. The group provided focus and input on the district plan, as well as how we all move forward in both the in-person world- and the virtual one.
As a result, we have a plan for all scenarios depending on the Phase our region is in, and we plan on making sure our kids don’t just tread water this year- but actually continue their movement forward in their education here at Arno.
There have been many questions from our parents and I wanted to provide the latest information that you need to know for the upcoming school year.
- September 2 (First Day of School- Remote learning with classroom teacher): Please save this date! We will be holding a drive by “meet the teacher” event from 9 am-12 pm on September 2. Students will be able to drive up, say hi to their teacher and teachers will be handing out workbooks or any items that students will need to start the year. More information about this will be coming next week, but as we did in the spring, times to visit will be determined by last name. Students whose last name starting with:
- A-H will drive by between 9-10am,
- I-Q can drive by between 10-11am,
- R-Z can visit between 11am-12pm.
During the afternoon of September 2, teachers will be hosting their first video meeting to start to get to know students. They will provide you information about this event.
- Meet the Teacher: This evening is typically a great opportunity for families to meet their child’s teacher and get to know some of the expectations for the school year. Since we cannot hold this event in person, teachers will be creating a video that introduces themselves to each student and family and provide a brief overview of some of the important tools students will need to get started with remote learning. These videos will be released to families on September 2. They will go out to families via email and will also be posted on our website for families to reference later if needed.
- Student login information Please follow this link for student directions to log on for the first time. Student’s ID number can be found in the Parent Portal and it’s the number that starts with “2001”.
- Tech: We are excited that this year students K-12 will all have access to a Chromebook to use in school as well as for virtual or remote learning. Our elementary students will be getting touch screen devices that can be used as a computer and a tablet. These have all been ordered, but we are waiting for these devices to be delivered.
- If you have already requested a temporary device- the tech department will contact you to schedule a date to pick up this computer. The link to request a computer is no longer active but we are taking names for a waiting list.
- Student schedules will be available August 28, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. for those families that have chosen to stay with their regular classroom assignment. ***Please be sure you have completed all of the Back to School updates that are necessary in order to access your child’s teacher.
Social Emotional Needs of our students
We recognize that the school closure and disruption to normal routines may have had an impact on many students and families. Please review some of the resources below. Arno’s new Social Worker, Dana Brown, can be of assistance in this area if you need to reach out to her. You can find many resources from our district social work page at:
Sample Elementary Resources for social emotional at-home:
How Can I Help My Child at Home?
- Designate a comfortable place where your child will work independently on his/her assigned tasks.
- Be sure your child attends every online class daily and logs in on time, ready for the day’s learning experience and completes all assignments
- Remind your child to let his/her teachers know if there are questions- our teachers are there to support all of our students.
- Monitor Google Classroom updates and be sure to check in with your child daily about learning tasks, activities and assessments they are working
- Dedicate appropriate time to learning, comparable to a school day and/or as guided by your teachers.
- Attend Zoom learning experiences that are offered by each of your teacher’s.
- Please let your child’s teacher know if they will be absent- teachers are taking daily attendance based on in-person Zoom meetings and/or assignments turned in.
- Help your child to understand that work will be graded this fall (appropriate to the grade level)- they will not be earning a participation grade like spring
Classroom Weekly Schedules
You may have already seen a copy of a sample elementary schedule for the first 5 weeks from the district website: https://www.allenparkschools.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1856009&type=d&pREC_ID=2007551
Please keep in mind that each teacher will be building the specifics of each “block”, which will be sent to their families in their class. You can expect that daily assignments will be posted by each morning, and that weekly you will receive an overview of learning targets every Monday morning.
Please click on the link below to hear a brief explanation of the daily elementary schedule:
Although these times do not feel normal, we are all in this together, as it has always been at Arno- Together we will make that difference that will make our students excel!
Welcome Back!
Arno Staff
Arno on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arnoelementary
Arno Family Blog: https://arnofamily.edublogs.org/
Together we will succeed for our kids!

Coming soon to Arno…
Sept. 2
1st Day- morning “Wave In” 9-12 (Remote Plan with classroom teacher only)
Get to know you virtual afternoon with classroom teacher
AP Virtual Learning with Calvert First Day
Sept. 3
First full virtual day with classroom teacher
AP Virtual Learning with Calvert
Sept 4
Labor Day weekend- no school
Sept. 7
Labor Day- No school
Sept. 8-Oct. 2
Remote learning with classroom teacher
AP Virtual Learning with Calvert

Meet the Teacher
This year we have all of our staff on video doing a short introduction and some information on Google Classroom. The staff links will be out by Sept 2 via eblast. Students will be getting to know their teacher more through their daily interactions on Zoom.
Online Attendance
Attendance will taken daily by your classroom teacher. In most cases, students will be recorded as present through appearing on the classroom Zoom. There maybe some instances where your child is unable to do a Zoom that day- they can then be counted present by:
Have a two-way conversation through email, phone, or communication app
Turn in an assignment, exit ticket or question that day by 3:00
Per the State of Michigan guidelines, Allen Park Schools will be required to have all students have an assessment that give us information on where our students are performing, so that we may better meet their individual needs. Kindergarten and First grade will be taking a developmentally appropriate assessment, while grades 2-3 will be taking an online version of the NWEA they normally take in the fall. Details, dates, and directions will come out in the coming weeks.

Welcome to Arno…
Kristi Kruger- Music (Thursdays)
“Kristi Kruger comes to us from Allen park High School where she served as vocal and instrumental music director for 22 years. Kristi received her Bachelor and Masters degrees from Eastern Michigan University with a focus on Music education as well as Music theory and Literature. Kristi’s career started teaching general music, spanning ages 18 months to 8 in the private sector before taking a position at Hamtramck High School for 2 years. After that time she was recruited by Allen Park,
where her first assignments were teaching High School vocal, instrumental and music history, as well as teaching “Sing and Swing” Kindergarten music at all three elementary schools. Kristi looks forward to sharing her passion for music with our students”
Dana Brown- Social Work (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
This is my 12th year working in the AP district as a school social worker. I earned my BSW from Western Michigan University and my MSW from Wayne State University. I have worked at the high school, middle school, and at Lindemann in past years. I took last year off after having a baby boy, Bryce (named after Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah- exquisite views)! In my free time, I enjoy traveling, running with my 7 year old lab, Reese and exploring new restaurants with my husband, Ben. Fun fact- Ben’s grandma (Audrey Tillen) taught at Arno for many years before retiring. I am excited to join the Cougar family and serve alongside you as your school social worker.

Every Monday and Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
NOTE: Due to the 1st day of learning being Wednesday, September 2, and no classes on Friday, September 4th or Monday October 7th (Labor Day) you will receive three breakfasts and three lunches to cover Wednesday, Thursday and Tuesday the 8th. Regular pick-up day, Wednesday, September 9th will be three breakfasts and three lunches.
This will include a breakfast and lunch for each scheduled school day:
Payments for meals are based on the free and reduced lunch status.
Payment Options:
- Usewww.MyPaymentsPlus.com to deposit money into your child’s account (preferred).
- Pay with exact change: otherwise overage will be deposited into your child’s account.
- Pay with cash, check or money order to be deposited into your child’s account at curb side pick-up or to the Food Services Office.
Allen Park High School Back Main Door
18401 Champaign, Allen Park, MI 48101
Questions? Please contact the APPS Food Services Department at:
Link to online Free and Reduced Price Family Meal Application:
Link to MyPaymentsPlus:
The Arno 2020-21 Staff
Young fives |
Jeanine Haskin |
Kindergarten |
Cassie Harrison |
Kindergarten |
Nickie Roller |
Kindergarten |
Cristina Mercer |
First Grade |
Julie Martinchick |
First Grade |
Barb Pushman |
First Grade |
Dawn Watson |
Second Grade |
Nicole Amonette |
Second Grade |
Alexandra Cervantes |
Second Grade |
Megan Schultz |
Third Grade |
Sarah Kalis |
Third Grade |
Renee Guyot |
Third Grade |
Rachel Warneck |
Fourth Grade |
Megan Johnson |
Fourth Grade |
Emilie Talamonti |
Fourth Grade |
Brian Trionfi |
Fifth Grade |
Ciara Zuke |
Fifth Grade |
Lindsay Garza |
Fifth Grade |
Erin Higgins |
Cross Categorical Classroom |
Katie Jensen |
ECP Program |
Sara Bleau |
Life Skills |
Stella Boyer |
Media Lit Arno/Bennie |
Colleen Byrne |
Media Tech Arno/Bennie |
Carrie Solak |
Art Arno/Bennie |
Elisabeth Cunningham |
Art Arno/Lindemann |
Rachel Trapani |
Speech-Language Pathologist |
Andrea Alvarez |
Vocal Music |
Kristi Kruger |
Instrumental/Vocal Music |
Jeff Skebo |
Physical Education Arno/Bennie |
Lisa Smalley |
Social Work Arno
School Psychologist |
Dana Brown T W Th
Deb Green M F |
Resource Room |
Michele Sbonek |
ECP Speech |
Taylor Cuddy |
Reading Coach/Title I |
Beth Wesley |
Stephen Zielinski, Principal
Cathy Anderson, Secretary
Kim Dowd, Student Advocate
Custodial Staff:
Tim Tanksley
Joe Marcoux
Tiffani Harper
Mike Matey
Lunch Staff/Para Professionals
Debbie Burgess-LatchKey Supervisor
Stevie Brandly
Colleen Harris
Stephanie Hauck
Kristen Melidosian
Katelyn Tourangeau
Penelope Beri
Sarah Tarmoom
Shelby Ivey
Cathy Bartholomew-Food service
Luciana Tucci-Cashier
Para Professional
Linda Mantua- Media Center
Angela Joarder- Instruct Support
Mikela Wilson- Instructional Support
Sandy Bove- Instruct Support
Kem Sheridan- Instruct Support
Carrie Vaughn- Instruct. Support
Amanda Madrigal- Instruct. Support
Missy Moore, instructional support
Diane Peyton- Special Ed.
Melissa McGrath- Special Ed.
Antwanette Bills- Special Ed.
Kim Harrison, Special Ed.
Stephanie Leavitt, ECP
Patty Messer, ECP